21 Roses Bouquet with Special Initials

Crafted with 21 stunning roses, the Initial Bouquet is the most elegant way to express your feelings in a special way. Embrace your loved ones with this unique bouquet on all special occasions, such as promposals, engagements and all special days.🌿 The Meaning of Rose Color: Each rose carries a different meaning. While the red rose represents love and passion, the white rose symbolizes pure love. Reflect your feelings in the best way with the Initials Bouquet.💐 Signature of Special Days: This bouquet carries a unique signature on all special occasions, such as promposals, engagements and all special occasions. Whether with a subtle touch or a grand gesture, present the initials of your loved ones with this stunning bouquet.🌹 Loving Details: The Initial Bouquet is more than just a bouquet of roses. The initials carefully placed around each rose make this bouquet unforgettable. It is the sweetest way to express sincere love 🌷 Express Your Love with Letters: Please let us know the letters to be placed on the bouquet in the notes section or via WhatsApp with your order number21 Initials Bouquet with Roses offers the most beautiful way to express your feelings in a special way. Choose this bouquet to give your loved ones an unforgettable experience and express your feelings clearly.