25 Rainbow Vip Special roses
Rainbow Special Equatorial Rose Bouquet: The Magic of Colors As Yellow Freezya Çiçekçilik, we are happy to offer you a special experience. We are here with a brand new arrangement: Rainbow Special Equator Rose Bouquet! This magnificent bouquet is designed for those who want to experience the magic of colors. 25 rainbow equatorial roses, each carefully selected and processed, turn this bouquet into a riot of colors. Roses of all colors reflect the most beautiful tones offered by nature and add joy and liveliness to their surroundings. Rainbow equatorial roses are known for their durability and vibrant colors. These roses, each carefully selected, offer a long-lasting floral experience and add elegance and beauty to any space. This magnificent bouquet is a perfect option to gift to your loved ones or yourself on special occasions. Ideal for birthdays, Mother's Day, anniversaries or just to express your love, this bouquet will help you create unforgettable moments. Experience the magic of colors, make your loved ones happy and make your special moments even more colorful with the Rainbow Special Equatorial Rose Bouquet.