Ficus Bonsai

4000 TL ve Üzeri Siparişlerde Ücretsiz Teslimat
Bonsai is an art about respect for living trees and the survival of these trees. Although bonsai are miniature, they are no different from the trees we see around us. Carefully selected tree branches are pruned and grown with care, giving the appearance of a miniature tree. The object under the product may change depending on demand and necessity. Ficus Ginseng Bonsai - so that it can be admired all day long. In the summer months, the ficus can be looked after outdoors on the veranda or terrace, but protect it from the midday sun. Your Ficus microcarpa 'Ginseng' will like the soil to remain slightly moist, but this does not mean that a watery soil, bonsai with a woody body will be very slightly moist. They like to stay in one land. It is essential to determine the water need by checking the soil with our hands, regardless of a period. Ginseng means 'root' in Chinese, Ficus 'Ginseng' offers a beautiful root-like show in your indoor spaces. Regular pruning should be done to maintain the plant form. A bright environment will be ideal for its development. It likes its soil to be slightly moist, but make sure it is not underwater. It should be protected from extreme cold and heat. It is toxic to our pets upon oral contact.